
ARION - Discover your Running Identity and Ultimately Optimize Performance

Interviewing Elliott Rayner, CMO of ARION, the company dedicated to truly understanding movement and in so doing, helping athletes and running enthusiasts alike to discover their own unique running identity, refine their technique and ultimately reduce the risk of injury. With ARION Coach, the ultra-thin smart running insoles with pressure-sensitive sensors and a personal coaching AI program, users become aware and conscious about every detail of their movement. From a range of data collected of metrics ranging from cadence, footstrike, contact time and much more, ARION allows for a deep understanding of technique, how to optimize it and ultimately, optimize running performance. Tune in to the podcast to hear more about the ways in which ARION is making waves with individuals through ARION Coach and additionally, branching into the retail environment with ARION Hub and ARION Studio, enabling consumers to find that ideal running shoe as they team up with top running brands to produce better, safer shoes. Learn more about ARION and the technology they’ve built to create a better understanding of every runner’s unique technique.
Check them out at www.arion.run.

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